Not only were we enthralled by every second (And word for all us bookworms out there) of Gone Girl, but we were left utterly craving more after THAT ending-we won’t ruin it for those of you who still have not seen or read it yet (insert shocked face).
So, naturally, you can imagine that we are thrilled at the prospect of a sequel which Gillian Flynn has confirmed that she has agreed to do!
“There could be a sequel at some point if everyone is game to get the gang back together—it could be really fun a few years from now,” Flynn told the New York Daily News. “We could pick it up and see what those crazy Dunnes are up to a few years down the road and if they got on—not well I don’t think.”
But there’s a condition: “I would have to have the exact same people to do it—I would want Rosamund, Ben, and Fincher,” she added.
Although Hollywood does love a good sequel, David Fincher isn’t known to give the nod in this direction-Alas! Only time will tell if there will be a Gone Girl 2 in the works or not, and we will still be here. Waiting. On the edge of our seats. In eager anticipation.