Money & Career: All good things continue to come your way through to mid-year, with Jupiter in your sign attracting money and opportunities aplenty. It may not seem that way from January to April, but the idea is to make your own luck rather than rely totally on Jupiter’s help. An eclipse in your finance zone in April brings an “A-ha!” moment, making you smart and creative with your money. In August a financial health check would be a superb idea. Your career looks solid, apart from some indecision around July. Should you stay or should you go? Test the waters before deciding.
Mind & Body: Jupiter gives you the power of positive thinking through to mid-year, so what could possibly go wrong? Not much, as it happens, though confusion over your image, selfworth or lovability may arise around July. This all gets sorted out from September onwards, when you realise it’s better to be loved for who you are than for what you have. Slow but sure is the way to go with health and fitness. From August, find exercise that you enjoy, and you’ll stick to it.
Love: A total love magnet, that’s you this year. You’re at your flirtatious and outrageous best in 2015, and your best months for love are July, August and September. It’s not a journey without bumps, but then, the course of true love isn’t supposed to run smoothly. Reality checks, romantic recriminations and the odd diva moment may arise, but, single or attached; you’re set to have a happy ending to a fairy-tale year of romance.
Adventure: This year is about getting serious when it comes to having fun. Pleasure for its own sake is like fast food, so whatever your ideal adventure is, make it nourish your future ambitions. Anything related to travel, spirituality, creativity, the media, publishing, children and romance are well-starred for you. And if you want toturn a pastime into a business, you have the blessing of the planets in 2015.