That “seen” message has gotten us into all sorts of trouble in the past. But now, thanks to a dinky little manoeuvre, we can avoid those, “But why didn’t you reply? I saw that you saw it” confrontations. Hurrah!
We’ve all been there, ignoring a Facebook conversation because you know when you read it, Facebook’s gone all Whatsapp on us and exposes the fact that you’ve had time to read it but haven’t had time to respond all thanks to that pesky “seen by so-and-so”.
Us Grazia girls are always on the go, we’re constantly checking our social media to discover any breaking news but we’re also running around making sure we’re meeting our deadlines in order to bring you your favourite weekly glossy.
So, sometimes we could be reading a FB message and then all of a sudden news breaks that a certain Hollywood couple has just rekindled their love or a Grammy Award-winning singer has decided to quit her singing career and pursue her love for helping people as a UN Ambassador for Human Rights; and we genuinely forget to respond.
If that’s the case for you, or if you would prefer to actually just not reply immediately without insulting anyone, we’ve discovered a little that can help. It’s called Facebook Unseen and it’s a Chrome browser extension that blocks Facebook’s red receipts from being sent.
There’s even an option which allows you to manually mark the messages as ‘read’-for every action, there’s a reaction, it’s plain science and science is beating technology today.’
Here’s how to install Facebook Unseen:
- Make sure you’re using Google’s Chrome browser
- Download Facebook Unseen from the Chrome Web Store
- Click on the icon
- Take as long as you like to reply to Facebook messages