(Image: Instagram/HeidiKlum)
Over the weekend, Donald Trump thought it was necessary to tell the New York Times (and as a result, the world) how he feels about Heidi Klum’s looks: “Heidi Klum. Sadly, she’s no longer a ten,” he told the newspaper.
Oh. Uhm, okay?
When Heidi got wind of the news, the German supermodel and funny girl took to her Instagram account to post this brilliant response:
As if that wasn’t classic enough, Klum spoke with Access Hollywood addressing his rude and obnoxious comment: “Personally, I have no idea what I have to do with the election,” she said while speaking of some of the candidates. “But really, the whole entire situation about women is not really funny, you know to put a number on a woman, especially women.”
She continued, “We juggle so many things and I feel that, you know, women who support their families, who have children, who make their lunches, drive them all over the place, work at the same time, I mean, we do so many things, so in my book, every woman is a ten.”
That last comment, “every women is a ten” has us giving Heidi a standing ovation.