This Saturday, H&M opens its Sandton City store with the launch of the new Balmain collection. Get ready for the frenzy and prepare yourself for an intense shopping experience, from the excitement of the store finally opening and to the exhausted feeling you have when you eventually get home. Here are 10 GIFS that will perfectly sum up your shopping experience this weekend:
1. When you find out that H&M is finally opening in South Africa
2. When you find out that H&M will be stocking the Balmain collection
3. When someone tries to take the last H&M x Balmain dress left in the store
4. When you’re trying to dig something out through all of the chaos
5. When you buy something without trying it on and realize its either too late to return it or the piece was final sale
6. When you try something on and it’s the perfect fit
7. When your friend tries something on and your just not loving it
8. When you walk out of the store knowing you now own amazing H&M pieces