Jane The Virgin star Gina Rodriguez melted our hearts after she loaned a 17-year-old girl her Golden Globe 2015 dress for the girl’s prom. Since we’re crushing hard, here are five more reasons why you should be crushing too:
1. She boxes like a boss…
2. She dances like a boss too!
3. Her make-up-free selfies show that her beauty is all natural.
4. She knows how to make you laugh.
Cab ride dubsmash. You’re welcome. @melissaschall @seemiley #newyorknights A video posted by Gina Rodriguez (@hereisgina) on
5. She has the cutest dog on earth. Seriously.
6. Her style is classic chic…
7. She once took over Michelle Obama’s Instagram account!
8. This just proves that she always was a beauty:
Today I do camera tests with my co-star #markwahlberg for our next film #TheLongNight aka #DeepWaterHorizonMovie and tomorrow I head to NYC for Season Two of #JanetheVirgin and inside I feel like little Gina. Happy and excited about the future, ready with open arms for these two next journeys I have been blessed with. Just happy. #babyGina A photo posted by Gina Rodriguez (@hereisgina) on