Money & Career:
Diversify. This year you’re likely to turn entrepreneurial, with the possibility for a home-based business or a sideline to supplement your day job. For a sign supposedly stuck in its ways, you tend to crave variety and stimulation at work, so having a second incomedoing something you love could work out well. The small print? Avoid taking on massive loans, and pay your way as much as possible this year.
Mind & Body:
You’re at your best when you’re happiest. Who isn’t? But April gives you a necessary wakeup call to make your home a hub of health and activity, so that you reach a peak, physically and emotionally, byAugust through self-care, nourishing food and exercise that gives you pleasure. By September this will be second nature to you, and eclipses the same month could make you evangelical about your new lifestyle, so turning a passion for health into a money-making business is possible.
Your love life has been hampered by Saturn for the past two years, but now it’s time to remember what romance is. March and April bring a torrent of possibilities your way. Long-term love gets reignited, so if you’re hooked up, get tender, tactile and luxuriously indulgent with that special someone. And new love is yours for the asking if you’re currently solo. You’re tired of messing around, and after some on-again off-again scenarios mid-year, by September it’s a case of no-hopers, begone! It could even be time to put a ring on it.
You have a reputation for knowing what you like and liking what you know, but this year, be prepared to take more calculated risks. Let go of your emotional, physical, sexual and financial security blankets. Save for a reckless South American rainforest trip rather than for a rainy day. Your biggest adventure this year is to feel free of the burden of possessions and possessiveness. Now